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Off Topic Posts / America Will Eventually Loose It's Freedoms
« Last post by smallengineshop on September 08, 2024, 04:25:38 PM »
"Listen, we're not going to be able to get where we need to go," says US senator Raphael Warnock. He's referring to reaching a point in future America where citizens are no longer allowed to own guns, and the 2nd amendment is abolished. You should take him seriously. If things continue in the same direction America is heading in now, we will eventually loose the right to own guns and freedom of speech. Every passing year America moves closer and closer to a time when these freedoms will disappear.

Take a look at Zimbabwe, a country controlled by people of Raphael Warnock's ilk. When a white farmer sued the Zimbabwean government to stop them from taking his farm, he was kidnapped and tortured. That's how the Zimbabwe government resolves problems. Every year America looks less and less like traditional America and more like Zimbabwe because of legal and illegal immigration, and a corrupt ruling class. The people of America will decide what the government and society looks like in the future.

Look at the precedent for government and society made by the different people from around the world, and understand that legal and illegal immigrants bring with them the same ideas and values that made their homelands a 3rd world country, and made living conditions so bad it caused them to flee. Don't expect them to be able to navigate through America's problems to reach the right answer. The hordes of immigrants illegally walking across America's borders aren't made up of doctors and engineers. The average IQ of the 20,000 illegal Haitian immigrants living in Springfield, Ohio is 78. 

It's not a coincidence the West is being flooded with brown and black people from the 3rd world. It's not a coincidence race is weaponized by our ruling class. The people who acquired the reins of power in America have bad intentions, and the evidence for this is all around us. Things aren't getting better, and you simply need to look at current events to understand this. Race is a factor in whether or not an immigrant accepts our traditional values, or sides with the ruling class who now controls propaganda, and basically everything else. It's almost guaranteed new immigrants will side with the ruling class, and thus, there goes America. The ruling class in America is actively working to "fundamentally change America," according to Barack Obama's own words, and helping them is an army of black and brown people from within and from around the world.

It's not a coincidence our government ignores immigration laws and has left our borders wide open to illegal immigration. It's not a coincidence the majority of people who oppose the ruling class are traditional white Christian Americans, and are the same people seen at Trump rally's. Why are Trump rally's so white? Where are the black and brown people that support traditional America? There aren't a significant number them, but Donald Trump plants a few of them in the audience behind him to make it look like he has their support.

Off Topic Posts / Haitian Immigrants In Springfield, Ohio
« Last post by smallengineshop on September 06, 2024, 05:06:28 PM »
Springfield, Ohio was a small city with a population of 60,000 people before Haitian immigrants arrived. Over the last 5 to 6 years it's estimated 5,000 to 10,000 Haitian immigrants have moved to Springfield, Ohio. It's estimated there could be 20,000 new residents in Springfield, Ohio by the end of 2025. City officials are complaining the city is now 'saturated' with new people.

An Immigrant Accountability Response Team was formed in Springfield after public outrage when an unlicensed Haitian driver of a mini van plowed into a school bus, which resulted in the death of an 11 year old child and 24 injured children.

An investigation was started to determine why so many Haitian people have arrived in Springfield, Ohio. The Immigrant Accountability Response Team said: “there were companies that knew they were going to make an effort to bring in individuals who were crossing the border based on federal regulations that they could do that." City officials complained that they never had a chance to have an infrastructure in place for 20,000 new people from 2020 to 2025.

It's the same old story, it's the same old song and dance happening all over the western world. The west is being flooded with black and brown people from the 3rd world. Why is it every person in America can value their heritage, race, religion and culture, and celebrate that value openly except for traditional Americans, without fear of being called racist or demonized by MSM? Why does the American ruling class leave our borders wide open and ignore common sense immigration laws that they could easily enforce and solve the illegal immigration problem? I think you know why.

Several X post's from Springfield, Ohio, have popped up recently complaining about Springfield's new population, which are shown below. Haitians not only enjoy dining on local wildlife while ignoring state hunting laws, but they also have a taste for cats and dogs. Why would they respect our laws and traditions? They must view us as the biggest suckers to ever exist.

Off Topic Posts / Hells Angels MC Headed To Aurora, Colorado?
« Last post by smallengineshop on August 31, 2024, 11:47:28 PM »
Are the Hells Angels MC really going to Aurora, Colorado to deal with the Venezuelan street gang, Tren de Aragua, who are terrorizing people for their rent money? I think if this were true the local, state and federal government would come out in force against the Hells Angels to protect the street gangs.

Off Topic Posts / Have You Heard This? #8
« Last post by smallengineshop on August 31, 2024, 05:53:22 PM »
Another great song from the 70's. I think the most important half of the original Badfinger band are dead, but I saw an ad for Badfinger playing in Las Vegas a few years ago, so some of the original members must still be playing, or they were a few years ago.

All this good music came when the West was shining bright, and young people unaware of their bad choices and the threat hiding in the shadows. This time period reminds me of when an incandescent bulb will shine real bright right before it goes out forever. Now the West is so muddled in woke ideology its impossible to repeat what happened in the music industry?

Off Topic Posts / Have You Heard This? #7
« Last post by smallengineshop on August 30, 2024, 06:20:15 PM »
Yes, I'm asking you.

The first video shows the governor of Colorado. The second video shows the mayor of Aurora, Colorado where Venezuelan illegal alien gangs have taken over entire apartment complexes, and demanded residents of these apartments pay rent to them.

It matters who you allow into your country. It matters who you allow to manager and govern your country. Facts everyone will realize sooner or later through hardship and loss.

Off Topic Posts / Law Enforcement Is Collapsing
« Last post by smallengineshop on August 29, 2024, 06:05:37 PM »
This reminds me of the movie scene when Johnny Depp playing Whitey Bulger in Black Mass, tells his son "if you commit a crime and nobody sees it, then it didn't happen." American police departments are ignoring crime and it's going unreported as if it didn't happen. Mean while, crime by third world immigrants is going up. Who is served by this? Certainly not the American people. It serves the ruling class that allowed third world immigrants into the country. Corruption is every where now. Even law enforcement is corrupt.

Off Topic Posts / Third World Immigration Brings With It Crime And Disorder
« Last post by smallengineshop on August 29, 2024, 04:56:45 PM »
I know for a fact bicycle theft is a problem in England, and I'm pretty sure it's the same for France. The first video shows a French guy who can't believe his eyes when he visits Poland and see's a line of bicycles parked outside, and not a single lock is used to secure a bicycle. The second video shows an African living in London doing his best to break the locks used to secure a bicycle to a bike rack.

Unrelated to bicycle theft, but equally important, are the next three videos. The third video shows immigrant gangs fighting each other in an area that was once family friendly before German rulers decided to 'enrich' Germany with third world immigration. The fourth video shows a Venezuelan gang using a rifle and hand guns and the threat of violence to take over an apartment complex in Colorado, USA. The fifth video shows more footage of the disorder caused in Colorado by Venezuelan gangs.

All four countries mentioned: America, England, France and Germany have enriched their societies with 3rd world immigration and are now suffering the consequences. Thanks to cell phones, evidence of what's really happening in these countries is easily found online. 'Enrich' your Western country with third world immigration and watch it turn to sh*t on X in almost real time.   

Off Topic Posts / More Tax Money For Illegal Aliens
« Last post by smallengineshop on August 23, 2024, 06:51:29 PM »
First the government encouraged illegal immigration, then they opened our borders so anyone including high profile murderers could simply walk into the country and stay. Next, it was free transportation by bus or plane to any place in the United States that an illegal alien wants to go, then came free welfare, free room and board, free cleaning service, free food and free medical. Now it's $30,000 towards a new home in some areas. Nope, you can't qualify if your an American citizen living in Oregon. This is only for illegal aliens paid for by American tax payers.

Did you ever wonder why Joe Biden strengthened the IRS with thousands of new agents, and with more guns and ammunition? Could it be that our government is anticipating more American citizens will stop paying their taxes because more and more people are seeing how foolish and corrupt politicians are with the money we're forced to give them? I don't know, but the problem the West is having with illegal immigration and open borders hurts the nations where this is happening and it's traditional people. It's intentional! And it's not primarily for a 'vote,' it's to disenfranchise traditional people and destroy traditional nations. I've never heard Barack Obama complain about needing more votes, but I can't count how many times he expressed his hatred, directly or indirectly, for traditional America. Their hatred for us knows no bounds.

A Peruvian gang leader wanted for 23 murders in Peru travels to the United States, walks across our Southern border, is arrested by border patrol, then he is released into the United States. This story, and the ease in which this murderer walks into the United States basically sums up our border security, which means there is no security.

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