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Off Topic Posts / Spelling Is Racist?
« Last post by smallengineshop on June 24, 2024, 06:59:07 PM »
Some state employee of Philadelphia had a street sign made and spelled the word 'Central' as 'Cenrtal.'

I can just hear people on the left thinking "Spelling must be racist, right? Proper spelling is a white mans value."

Off Topic Posts / You Can't Make This One Up
« Last post by smallengineshop on June 24, 2024, 05:51:31 PM »
A 14 year old girl was gang raped by a group of migrants in Germany. During the trial of these scum bags an innocent woman called one of the rapists a "dishonorable rapist pig" and was punished by society worse than all the pigs involved in the rape except for one. Boy, if that doesn't prove to you that the people behind mass migration of 3rd world people into western nations just flat out hate you, then nothing will convince you.

Off Topic Posts / This is a judge?
« Last post by smallengineshop on June 24, 2024, 05:18:56 PM »
Off Topic Posts / Public Schools
« Last post by smallengineshop on June 23, 2024, 04:36:57 PM »
Off Topic Posts / Preying On Children
« Last post by smallengineshop on June 22, 2024, 03:43:13 PM »
Another high profile LGBTQ gay man is caught targeting children. This is why past generations discouraged homosexual behavior, and warned families about the link between homosexuality and pedophilia.

Off Topic Posts / This is Crazy!
« Last post by smallengineshop on June 21, 2024, 06:59:13 PM »
Frightening what the west and America are importing into their countries. A crowd of uneducated, illiterate Pakistani Muslims decide a tourist committed blasphemy, so they torture and burn the person alive. No trial, no jury. Why would any western nation allow these people into their country, then demand everyone celebrate their culture?

The people doing this to the west don't care about you or your country. There is no debating or reason that will convince them to stop. They see the same rapes and murders committed by immigrants against Americans, yet they continued to leave the borders open and ignore the crimes. Ask yourself this question: Why would a government allow people,  largely uneducated and unskilled, to walk into America unvetted, and stay? How does that benefit America? The answer is it doesn't benefit America or Americans, but it does benefit a government trying to destroy a nation. Any politician that votes to support what is happening hates traditional America. Any politician that says this is good for America because it provides cheap labor is either stupid or lying. They don't care about you or your children. Your failure is their goal.

Off Topic Posts / You Won't See This Truck In America
« Last post by smallengineshop on June 20, 2024, 04:54:17 PM »
I love that this truck has a traditional ignition lock with a key, and many things I see are basic like the manual controls for HVAC. I'm not exactly sure why, but I'm pretty sure government regulations prevent Toyota from exporting this truck to America.

Think about this: If you couldn't sell the vehicles, would you rather have this truck or 10 electric trucks? The choice for me is easy.

Off Topic Posts / None of this surprises me
« Last post by smallengineshop on June 20, 2024, 04:05:22 PM »
The war against traditional Americans rages on with little resistance. In response to current events like this, it's common for fake opposition republicans to start a Congressional investigation and call the United States Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, in for questioning. It's essentially a show that will produce no punishment for the criminals.

Congress: Mr Mayorkas is our Southern border secure?

Mayorkas: Oh yes, our borders are secure

Congress: Mayorkas, your a lying traitor! Your dismissed Mr Mayorkas. Until next time sir.

...and our country spirals ever closer to something unrecognizable. If you could ever imagine a traditional American villain in history like Benedict Arnold, the leftist in America are a thousand times more destructive.

This is an advertisement for a 1988 Yamaha Route 66 motorcycle powered by a 249cc v-twin engine with 5 speed transmission. It was manufactured from 1988 to 1990. A very similar motorcycle appeared in 1995, called a Yamaha Virago XV250, which I'm willing to bet is a re-badged Route 66. This motorcycle is part of a model line that was significant in motorcycle history.

The 1981 Yamaha Virago XV750 and XV920, was not only the first production Yamaha motorcycles powered by a v-twin engine, but they were also the first production v-twin powered motorcycles produced by a Japanese company. Following the Yamaha Virago, Honda, Suzuki and Kawasaki all started making v-twin powered motorcycles. The Japanese manufacturers at the time thought Harley Davidson was in the toaster oven, and they were all ready to turn the toaster ON, but it didn't work. Harley Davidson survived the Japanese onslaught of Asian v-twins to become the #1 seller of v-twin motorcycles in USA.

Click image to enlarge
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