This is what they call "anti-racism"— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) February 20, 2024
This is what they call "anti-racism"
All because of their skin color— Hodgetwins (@hodgetwins) February 20, 2024
All because of their skin color
Last week, Nicholas Jordan brutally kiIIed Celie Montgomery (26) & Sam Knopp (24) on the Colorado Springs College campus.If not for X, you would've never known.— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) February 20, 2024
Last week, Nicholas Jordan brutally kiIIed Celie Montgomery (26) & Sam Knopp (24) on the Colorado Springs College campus.If not for X, you would've never known.
Yes, this is why he was imported and released. That’s what the country does now. Why do you pay taxes? Why do we have a military? Why does the government and its media allies scream for more power? So this keeps happening and so people who try to stop it are jailed or killed.— James Kirkpatrick (@VDAREJamesK) February 20, 2024
Yes, this is why he was imported and released. That’s what the country does now. Why do you pay taxes? Why do we have a military? Why does the government and its media allies scream for more power? So this keeps happening and so people who try to stop it are jailed or killed.