Motorcycles > 1987 - 2018, 2022 & Later Kawasaki KLR 650
Is the Kawasaki KLR650 Doohickey problem something you should worry about?
Is the "Doohickey problem" something Kawasaki KLR650 owners should worry about? This video interviews a 25 year Kawasaki mechanic who says he has not seen one failure on a KLR650 engine caused by the notorious Doohickey problem.
For the record, I still own my 2009 KLR650 which I've owned since new and is closing in on 40,000 miles. I have never done anything to the engine other than routine maintenance. No doohickey no thermobob mods.... I just rode the bike yesterday in 18F weather and plan to ride the bike again this evening, but hopefully its warmer.
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