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Illegal immigration is getting worse


Imagine an America where traditional Americans are a minority. Where America looks more like countries in central and south America than traditional America. Where all negative statistics such as crime and poverty are higher. Where freedoms enjoyed by traditional Americans no longer exist. Where a sense of community is gone. Where government at all levels is controlled by one party. Where regardless of who you vote for the outcome is always the same. The future of America is seen in 3rd world countries. This is America's destination. We are slowly becoming a country citizens will want to escape.

"It's the worst day we've ever seen."

Border agents have never seen it this bad. The invasion is intensifying. pic.twitter.com/13ADAHGqJr— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) December 19, 2023
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This is a new video of the U.S. border from today.

But it could just as easily be a video from yesterday, last week, or last month.

We have become numb to the invasion.pic.twitter.com/b07eooRkhJ— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) December 20, 2023
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