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Off Topic Posts / United States could arrest Tucker Carlson for Putin interview
« Last post by smallengineshop on February 27, 2024, 09:06:28 PM »
Watch the last video of Tucker Carlson's interview with a Chinese lady who lived through the cultural revolution in China started by Moa. She sees the same patterns in USA, and those patterns result in innocent people being jailed and murdered for their speech and beliefs.

Off Topic Posts / A World on the Brink of Disaster?
« Last post by smallengineshop on February 26, 2024, 06:58:33 PM »
I saw these two news reports on X. One shows NATO and European Union members considering sending troops to Ukraine to fight against Russia, and the other shows NATO reporting "it's only a matter of time before Ukraine becomes a NATO member." Russia has threatened the West several times that if these events should happen, Russia will launch nuclear war against the West with America being a primary target. Russia is not alone in it's struggle, and other nuclear powers like China will side with Russia.

American leadership is leading Americans into what very well could be a nuclear apocalypse and World War 3. Politicians live comfortably in Washington DC and think their bad choices will never affect them, but it will. It will affect all of us. Russia will use every weapon they have against America, and that includes weapons within our walls. It's projected Joe Biden's open borders have allowed 30,000 or more military age Communist Chinese men to cross illegally into America. If that is true, then there are also Islamic terrorists and Russian operatives living within our walls. You can rest assured Russian plans include using every weapon at their disposal to deal with the West. They won't sit idly by and allow the West to destroy Russian culture and nation.

If you think America hasn't drastically changed since the phrase: "land of the free and home of the brave," was created, then you've been living under a rock. A more accurate representation of modern American strengths and values are the two homosexuals caught having sex while filming a gay porn movie in a Washington DC Senate room, and the recent Odysseus moon lander that tipped over and failed to land upright on the moon. Not a good omen for sure. America is not what it once was, and I don't think most Americans want to die for what it has become.

A Washington DC aide to a Senator caught filming a gay porn film in a Senate room. The fruits of our culture.

A failed moon landing. The Odysseus vessel failed to land upright and tipped over when it landed on the moon. It is a failed mission.
Google & Meta function as extensions of the US Intelligence Community. With Jacqueline Lopour, Google's Head of Trust & Safety, and Aaron Berman, Meta's Head of Elections Content/Misinformation Policy, both being career CIA officers, it underscores the CIA's substantial control over online censorship.

Why is this CIA-Big Tech revolving door, where career CIA officers wield power to censor & decide what misinformation is, purposefully suppressed in the broader conversation about censorship?

Why are career CIA officers like Jacqueline Lopour & Nick Rossmann, who both have a history of spreading misinformation & promoting the RussiaGate conspiracy theory, now in senior roles in Trust & Safety at Google, deciding what is misinformation & overseeing content moderation?

The cumulative number of former Intelligence Community personnel hired by Meta & Google since 2018 is staggering. Before 2018, there were only a handful. Here are the combined hires by both companies:
State Dept-86

Amazing, Jacqueline Lopour and Nick Rossman, both former CIA officers who pushed Russiagate, and now hold senior positions in Trust & Safety at Google. If that doesn't speak volumes about corruption. Being promoted while promoting Russiagate, which we now know, without any doubt, was a complete fabricated lie. They all knew Russiagate was a lie. It was an attempt by American politicians and bureaucrats to overthrow a sitting president of the United States, and Google loves them for trying. If you want to know why Google AI or Gemini is so anti traditional American you don't need to look an further than these people. Click the link below and read Nick Rossman's past tweets.

Read more here......
Off Topic Posts / Google's Woke Ideas
« Last post by smallengineshop on February 25, 2024, 01:01:41 PM »
The Brainiacs at Google think its not OK to misgender Caitlyn Jenner to stop a nuclear apocalypse. Hmmm....OK. Reminds me of Canadian police unable to determine if the perp is a man or woman after his semen was found at the crime scene (click here). The Western World has gone completely bananas!

Here's another one showing how anti white Google AI is. Everyone should know it's the people at Google who made Google AI or Gemini, and programmed how it should respond to these questions. Google AI answers to these questions were so over the top, and the back lash so strong, Google now says Gemini is broken and needs to be fixed. But the only real way to fix this problem is to fire the people who made Gemini.

Off Topic Posts / The ADL Douche Bags
« Last post by smallengineshop on February 23, 2024, 06:15:52 PM »
The girl who was brainwashed by the Left into thinking she can become a man, and who set out on her hate filled vendetta to murder as many Christian children as she could at a Nashville, Tennessee, Christian school, because they represent truth and innocence, is ruled a far right extremist by the ADL - Anti Defamation League. How did the ADL reach the conclusion that this mass murderer is a far right extremist? She used the word 'faggot' in her manifesto.

The ADL is one of the most corrupt and dishonest organizations in modern American society. They will find a reason to classify every crime as a far right hate crime, and the American government and corporations will support their findings. Therefore, crime statistics will become inaccurate, and used to attack innocent people.

Off Topic Posts / Not a good sign for sure
« Last post by smallengineshop on February 22, 2024, 06:07:40 PM »
If these are the people running America, then how bad does this get? At what point will they throw people in prison, or something worse for preaching the gospel? At what point with they line traditional Americans against a wall and murder everyone? This is where this is heading. There is historical precedent that shows this is the direction where this goes. Corruption abounds and innocent, good people end up dying.

Off Topic Posts / This is true about Google artificial intelligence
« Last post by smallengineshop on February 22, 2024, 05:28:37 PM »
I asked Google AI to create an image of a beautiful women, and it created several images of all dark skinned women. I than asked Google AI to create an image of a beautiful white woman, and it sent a text explaining how the user can't ask for a specific ethnicity, and how Google AI was designed to celebrate inclusivity, or something along those lines. I than asked Google AI to create an image of a beautiful black woman expecting to get the same text explanation why it can't, but instead I got several images of beautiful black women. It was quite shocking how anti white Google AI is, so I turned it off.

Google search results suffers from the same problem. Google "happy white woman with a man," and look at the images and you will see white women paired with black men. It's the same sort of thing you see in so many TV/Steaming commercials where you never see a traditional white couple together.

There is a concerted effort on the Left to stamp out what they call 'whiteness,' which includes replacing traditional Americans by pushing interracial relationships, stamping out images of traditional Americans, or pushing illegal immigration from non-white 3rd World countries. 

Off Topic Posts / Should they be allowed to adopt children?
« Last post by smallengineshop on February 21, 2024, 07:46:27 PM »
Another popular homosexual and cross dresser was arrested for distributing child pornography he made of his adopted child. The poor child is probably damaged for the rest of his life. Society has failed this child!

I will never forget this 1961 video warning the public of pedophilia seen in the homosexual community. People today make fun of this video and YouTube allows it to exist on their platform, but it's warning rings true today.

Off Topic Posts / Words Matter!
« Last post by smallengineshop on February 21, 2024, 06:04:56 PM »
New words to describe illegal aliens crossing USA borders illegally are "undocumented citizens." The first words to describe illegals were "illegal aliens," then it went to "illegal immigrant." Now it's just 'migrant' or "undocumented migrant." The new bad description will be "undocumented citizen." Words matter!

The Lefts goal is to apply US citizenship automatically to anyone crossing the border regardless of whether its legal or illegal. They're replacing traditional Americans. The forces responsible for this don't give a damn about traditional America.

There are no laws, no legal procedure you can follow, no voting process and no American group or person who can fix this. I'm not sure the American founding fathers anticipated what is happening today. There doesn't seem to be any safe guards to protect Americans from being destroyed from within except for the second amendment right to protect yourself with a firearm, and the first amendment right to free speech.

We have reached a point where the Left doesn't follow the rule of law. It has been years since real border enforcement existed in USA. We have a president who cheated to get elected, and is a known criminal thanks to his crack head son, yet nothing happens to him. Do you ever wonder why the Left is so ambitious about stopping free speech online by censoring speech they don't like and calling it 'hate' speech, but celebrates speech that puts the most vulnerable Americans in harms way? Do you ever wonder why the Left is so ambitious about taking guns rights from law abiding citizens, yet lets criminals back out on the street? Not only does that not work to protect citizens, it makes no sense.

The Left wants every road block removed that slows down the complete destruction of Western culture and traditional America. 

Off Topic Posts / The war against traditional Americans rages on
« Last post by smallengineshop on February 20, 2024, 04:14:42 PM »

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