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« on: August 01, 2023, 04:27:49 PM »
Ilhan Abdullahi Omar is a black Muslim woman who was rescued from war torn Somalia and given refuge in the United States. She prospered here and became a US Congress woman.

The video below shows Omar publicly demonizing a group that founded and built the country that saved her and her family and gave them refuge. This isn't the first time she's done this and she's never punished for it.

In contrast, Ilhan Omar said house republican support for Israel is fueled by donations from the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a pro Israeli group, so the house GOP called Omar's remarks antisemitic and voted to remove Ilhan Omar from the Foreign Affairs Committee as punishment. Why is it OK to punish Omar for this, but not for attacking one of the largest groups of people in America? How can she represent America and citizens in Congress when she obviously has a problem with White men?

The second video shows a large political group in South Africa comprised of Black Africans singing in public about killing Whites and White farmers. They fill an entire stadium. This is not the first time they've done this, and it has resulted in White South Africans being murdered. These are the fruits of left, woke ideology that now plagues traditional White countries. The hatred you see in South Africa is already in America.

The farther the immigrant is from the ethnicity of traditional Americans, the easier it is to subvert and radicalize them to be against traditional America. Cohesion, strength and peace is why old America focused immigration from Christian Europe. That changed in the mid 1960's and now look at us.

The left in America lies about White Supremacy and White privilege in America to radicalize minorities and cripple the majority. Good Americans are unable to stop the left, or people like Ilhan Abdullahi Omar. The fact that a person like Omar is serving in Congress, and continues to demonize traditional Americans from her position of power, and is never punished, shows that traditional Americans are no longer in charge of America and are powerless. Who do Christian men in government really serve?

« Last Edit: August 03, 2023, 05:38:20 PM by adminjoe »
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.