Author Topic: Have you heard this?  (Read 493 times)


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Have you heard this?
« on: June 23, 2023, 07:24:44 PM »
In the early 1970's there was a haunting in Southern California famously known as The Entity case. Yes, they made a movie about it called The Entity, released in 1982. The haunting was investigated by Dr. Barry Taft of the now defunct, UCLA Parapsychology Department. I don't want to get into details about the case except to say these spirits were not friendly, and Barry Taft said during interviews that this song, A National Acrobat, by Black Sabbath, some how energized the movement of orbs seen in the house where the haunting occurred. I'm not talking about the bogus orbs you hear about in YouTube videos and modern TV ghost hunter shows that are really just dust particles seen through cameras. These are unexplained orbs of light that some how appear in the middle of a room. The youngest son, Brian, of the family victimized by the haunting testified that the orbs also reacted to a song by Ur̲i̲ah H̲e̲e̲p, but I was never able to find the song.

If you want to learn more about this haunting listen to interviews with Dr Barry Taft by Art Bell. You can find it on YouTube.

There is another realm of life that humans can't experience or sense with the physical senses, but for some reason people become a conduit to this hidden realm and energy, and strange things began to happen in our reality. This realm can be very negative and dark. It's very rare for true paranormal activity to occur, and not common like Hollywood would like you to believe to keep the viewer number high for ghost hunter shows. I do believe you would be sadly mistaken to think this life is all there is. There are stories written in the New Testament about Jesus Christ talking to and rebuking demonic spirits. I believe it is all true and an after life awaits all of us.

A photo of Doris Bithers, the main subject in the Entity Case. This photo shows a ball of light moving across the room above her head, with the corner of the room in the back ground. The fact that the light doesn't bend with the corner reveals the light is not shined on the wall.

« Last Edit: June 25, 2023, 06:08:16 PM by adminjoe »
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.