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Off Topic Posts / Have you heard this? #6
« Last post by smallengineshop on May 22, 2024, 05:48:09 PM »
Probably one of the best musical artists of the 1970's, Gerry Rafferty

Off Topic Posts / Sad reality of the American Government
« Last post by smallengineshop on May 22, 2024, 04:15:14 PM »
Corruption is everywhere! Politicians from both parties using the same talking points to protect Netanyahu, and what Israel has done to innocent Palestinians. These politicians completely ignore the large number of dead, innocent people in Gaza from American bombs and munitions given to Israel. These politicians are not allowed to, or don't want to recognize the slaughter happening in Gaza.

Israel has a right to defend itself against terrorism, and I support that right, but this has gone way beyond self defense. You can't justify killing over 10,000 innocent women and children as self defense. It only makes sense if Israel is trying to annihilate Palestinians.

Compare the American government concerted outcry to protect Netanyahu to their silence to protect American citizen, Gonzala Lira, who was arrested, trapped, tortured and later died in a Ukraine prison because they didn't like what Lira said online. Yup, no lobby group to help Gonzala Lira, so nobody cared about an American life in Ukraine.

Is the only time you will ever see a Democrat oppose anything International or Global is when it threatens Israels interests? Would Democrats support securing America's border if Israel wanted it done?

Netanyahu threatening the prosecutor of the ICC, who brought charges against Netanyahu for war crimes in Gaza.

Off Topic Posts / Have you heard this? #5
« Last post by smallengineshop on May 21, 2024, 03:52:33 PM »
Off Topic Posts / 74 year old deadlifts 506 pounds
« Last post by smallengineshop on May 16, 2024, 06:17:46 PM »
Off Topic Posts / Another refreshing current event
« Last post by smallengineshop on May 16, 2024, 06:10:02 PM »
He's now being attacked for this speech.

Off Topic Posts / Here's another one
« Last post by smallengineshop on May 15, 2024, 05:08:41 PM »
Another homosexual predator caught sexually abusing children, and even recording the abuse and sending it to other children.

As I've noted several times before on this website, traditional America warned everyone about the link between homosexuals and pedophilia. See video below. This problem is real, and everyone should see homosexuals as a possible threat to children, and protect children accordingly.

Dylan Mulvaney and Richard Levine are really Ben Shapiro and Mitch McConnel in drag? Who knew?  ;D

Off Topic Posts / Refreshing to see
« Last post by smallengineshop on May 12, 2024, 05:08:46 PM »
It's refreshing to see JK Rowling, correctly identify this guy instead of pandering to transgender nonsense like Daily Mail Online is doing. These news outlets have so many opportunities to stand for good, and be on right side of history, but they toss it away like a dirty rag. History will show this period of time as when the West literally went crazy. 

Off Topic Posts / Doesn't look safe to me
« Last post by smallengineshop on May 11, 2024, 06:04:38 PM »

Watch this video to the end, and pay attention to how foreign interests controlled the response of American politicians regarding Israels attack on the USS Liberty ship in 1967. Has this control over America gotten worse? Consider these current events:

Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas can't talk about anything other than his support for Israel on his twitter page, which he is free to do, but he is in the Senate to serve the interests of America, particularly the people in the state of Arkansas. I scrolled through his page and failed to see a single tweet regarding issues in Arkansas. Tom Cotton has received close to $300,000 so far from the pro Israel lobbyist group AIPAC. Another politician is Representative Mike Johnson, who shocked everyone when he went against his word and joined forces with Joe Biden to help pass a spending bill rewarding Ukraine with $60,000,000,000 and Israel with $26,000,000,000 for their 'war' with Hamas. Johnson had promised to use this spending bill as leverage to negotiate money to secure America's southern border, but there isn't a single penny in this bill for this. It's another opportunity to help America that's been wasted. It's another example by an American politician who achieves nothing for the American people. Johnson has received more than $500,000 from Israel lobbyist group AIPAC.

Another American politician, Representative Thomas Massie, was attacked by AIPAC when they spent $300,000 on ads to attack his reelection for doing the right thing and voting against Representative Mike Johnson. See X post below. This is an example of AIPAC using it's power to punish a politician, and let every other politician know if you oppose the interests of AIPAC they will attack you.

How can American politicians do what's in America's best interest when their career is so heavily supported and influenced by lobbyist groups who seem to be more loyal to a foreign nation than America? The only time I have ever seen the overall majority of politicians come together in unity was right after 9/11, and when the issue at hand involves Israel. Every other time they're bickering and fighting with one another.

It's not a sin for Americans to put America's interests before Israel, in fact, it's what God expects. Anything else is corruption, and will only lead to more anger and hatred.

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