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Off Topic Posts / The Most Cringe Celebrity In America?
« Last post by smallengineshop on May 01, 2024, 04:52:15 PM »
If a contest was held to find the most cringe celebrity in America, the winner very well could be Drew Barrymore. First it was Barrymore bowing to Dylan Mulvaney to honor his struggle to be a woman, and now it's calling Kamala Harris, "Mamala," and saying America is in need of a mother figure, and Kamala is it. Ugh! But I guess it gets her the attention she so much desires.

Off Topic Posts / A New American Law Is In The Works
« Last post by smallengineshop on May 01, 2024, 04:35:15 PM »
A new American federal law is in the works to convict people of antisemitism and charge them with a crime. According to Marjorie Taylor Greene, if a person simply speaks parts of the bible out loud, for example, "Jesus was handed over to Herod to be crucified by the Jews," they can be charged with antisemitism. This law is obviously unconstitutional and violates freedom of speech, but our ruling class doesn't care about traditional America, the constitution, or traditional values. It's amazing how fast they move in almost complete unity to protect what they value. It's amazing how fast they move in almost complete unity to attack traditional, Christian America.

It's sad how important both authors of these X posts feel it is to explain how they're not antisemitic before they condemn something so anti American.

How much control do Jews and Israel have over the West, particularly America? Consider these current events:

The Joe Biden administration is now working on a plan to allow Palestinians to immigrate to America. Israels problem with Palestinians will now become America's problem, and the land occupied by Palestinians will be taken by Israel. It looks like Jared Kushner will finally get a chance to develop beach front property in Israel.

Moving Palestinians to America is not surprising when you consider world powers have managed to force the entire Western world to open their borders to third world immigration, both legal and illegal, from every country imaginable, but what is interesting is Israel is free from these forces, and allowed to do things in the interest of Israel and the Jewish people, which is how it should be for everyone. Joe Biden claims diversity is a strength, and America becoming less white and less Christian will make America a better and stronger place, but for some reason that standard of strength and improvement never applies to Israel. You might think Israel is isolated from this diversity movement happening in the West, but the Biden administration is over 90 percent Jewish, with some of those Jews having dual Israel citizenship, yet nobody pushes for diversity and open borders in Israel. You only see this movement happening in the West with traditional white, Christian countries.

Do you think traditional Christian America has a right to a homeland just like the Jews, and do Americans have self interests that don't involve Israel?

Over a year of riots from BLM and Antifa, and police were ordered to stand down while they burned property, looted stores, and hurt innocent people. Rioters even captured part of an American city and claimed it exclusively their territory, and nothing was done to stop it. You now have students on college and university campuses in America protesting Israels treatment of Palestinians, and police are ordered to immediately crack down on the protests and arrest the students. Legislation is now moving through the government to make 'antisemitism' a crime. BLM and Antifa riots were allowed to happen for over a year under the false narrative of white racism, but protests that simply criticize Israel are stopped immediately. Does that make any sense?

I don't care what the Left is saying in public. They control what is happening in America, and if police are allowed to stop protests on college and university campuses it's because the Left is allowing it. They did everything in their power to hurt traditional America by allowing more division and hatred to develop when BLM and Antifa riots were encouraged. They even lied about George Floyd's real cause of death when the truth was known, and put innocent police officers in prison. Their still sitting in prison, and not a single politicians has offered to help. So, you might want to ask yourself, who controls the Left and America? Who is financing this? If you are unable to ask and answer these questions honestly, then you will never be able to fix this problem.

People in America have a right to discuss what is happening in America and the world without being called antisemitic and having their lives destroyed.

Off Topic Posts / How easy is it to corrupt an American politician?
« Last post by smallengineshop on April 30, 2024, 07:27:51 PM »
Pretty easy if you have the cash

I only show this to show you can't ever trust this person again, and how vulnerable politicians are to money from lobbyist groups.

Off Topic Posts / A recipe for disaster
« Last post by smallengineshop on April 28, 2024, 06:23:06 PM »
The United Nations provides significant help to third world immigrants to cross the borders of traditional White countries, and the ruling class will accept them, and won't fight back because they don't care about tradition or the traditional people of that country.

Third World immigrants will always side against traditional people, because they don't belong and they know it. It benefits them. They become tools to attack traditional people and common sense values of the country they reside in.

God bless the 'radicalized' people of Ireland who oppose the ruling class and the immigrants who don't belong in Ireland.

Liberal or leftist buy into the propaganda to hate the country and people they belong to. They see illegal immigration as good because it replaces what they are taught to hate. They believe in the wrong ideas about everything being equal, so they support it and don't fight back. As if everything will get better. They're blind to the fact that everything isn't better, and it will undue the fabric that makes their country strong and good, and provides them with a good life.

I heard about the United Nations stationed in the Darian Gap to help illegal immigrants pass through Central American and Mexico, and cross America's southern border. What is happening in the West is a disaster unlike anything ever seen before.

Off Topic Posts / Never go to this guy for advice
« Last post by smallengineshop on April 27, 2024, 11:17:11 PM »
In fact, if you ever see this guy you should turn and run in the opposite direction for a long long time until your far far away from him.  ;D

Off Topic Posts / White Europeans being replaced in their own countries
« Last post by smallengineshop on April 27, 2024, 07:29:28 PM »
Off Topic Posts / The Dude doesn't like the Eagles man
« Last post by smallengineshop on April 27, 2024, 06:36:43 PM »
Interesting fact: I met The Dudes brother once, Beau Bridges, and he was the only celebrity I ever saw who wasn't driving a new German made car. He was driving a big Chevrolet Suburban. I like him for that reason alone.  ;D

Off Topic Posts / Ron Paul is a good person
« Last post by smallengineshop on April 27, 2024, 06:12:35 PM »
I remember the first time I heard Ron Paul speak I thought "what a breath of fresh air." Finally a politician telling the truth. I remember watching him on a news show with a few other people. At one point in the show this question came up "why did terrorists attack the World Trade Center on 9/11?" and Ron Paul answered the question by simply quoting from an official government study. I believe his answer was "they attacked America because we're meddling in the Middle East." He was immediately called an antisemite. The official propaganda answer you heard from most politicians and media back than was "they hate freedom." You would always hear that from George Bush, and if you dared to tell the truth you were attacked.

On another news program Ron Paul was talking to an economist. The question about Iran having nukes came up, and Ron Paul said "Iran doesn't have nukes and won't have nukes anytime in the near future." Ron Paul, once again, for simply quoting from an official government study was called an antisemite by the economist. The official propaganda at the time was Iran was weeks or months away from a nuclear bomb, and if you deviated from that narrative you were attacked. At the time, mainstream media and the ruling class was pushing hard for war with Iran, which they still are, but the nuke propaganda has kind of diminished.

Ron Paul was the one good person in government who always tried to answer questions truthfully. He was crushed by the establishment because of it. This X post showing Ben Shapiro attacking Ron Paul is an example of how he was treated. Because Ron Paul was against American wars in the Middle East, and was a real fiscal conservative, he was attacked and accused of being antisemitic.

The following video was typical of propaganda told about Iran and nuclear weapons. Here is Netanyahu, 11 years ago warning the World Iran would have nuclear weapons by next summer. This was a lie! Similar to the lie we were told about Iraq having chemical weapons to justify America invading Iraq. Ron Paul was right about everything! Ron Paul told the truth about Iran and nuclear weapons and he was attacked for it. 
A 1982 Honda XL250R is used in the movie, Firstborn, released in 1984, and starring Christopher Collet, Teri Garr, Peter Weller, Sarah Jessica Parker, Core Haim and Robert Downey Jr. The motorcycle is owned and ridden by the character Jake, played by Christopher Collet.

The 1982 Honda XL250R is a dual sport motorcycle designed for on and off road use. It's powered by a 248cc single cylinder, four stroke, gas powered engine, and power is transferred to the rear wheel through a wet clutch, 6 speed manual transmission and chain final drive. Rear suspension travel is 8.5 inches, and front suspension travel is 7.5 inches. The bike weighs 285 pounds with half a tank of gasoline. Gas tank capacity is 2.4 gallons. Retail price for this motorcycle was only $1698 in 1982.

The 1982 Honda XL250R belongs to a family of Honda single cylinder, four stroke powered motorcycles that began production in the 1970's, and continues today with the 2024 Honda XR650L. These motorcycles are known for their good performance, durability and toughness on the street and on the trail, which is why you still see them in production today.

Peter Weller pushing a 1982 Honda XL250R, with Teri Garr in the background.

Christopher Collet character enjoying his first ride on a 1982 Honda XL250R.

Christopher Collet riding a 1982 Honda XL250R with Peter Weller running beside him.
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