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Off Topic Posts / Clear example of corruption
« Last post by smallengineshop on March 17, 2024, 05:28:01 PM »
In a Donald Trump speech he talks about the auto industry, and China building car plants in Mexico for easy and cheap export into America. Trump says he will stop China if he's elected president, but also mentions if he's not elected and China goes through with their plans, then it will be a blood bath for the American auto industry.

Politicians and media take his words, "blood bath," out of context and try and sell it as something else. It's just a clear example of how dishonest and corrupt these people are.

Off Topic Posts / What happened to America?
« Last post by smallengineshop on March 16, 2024, 06:47:02 PM »
First video: Teenagers refuse to pay bus fare, so the bus driver orders them off the bus. They eventually leave, but not before they punch and beat up the elderly bus driver. Even the bus drivers first instinct is violence.

America in so many areas now looks more like a country in Central America or even Africa, and the way people act is disorderly and violent. I just saw a gun fight on a subway car in NYC between a black man and brown man, and a rotisserie of rodent animals being cooked and sold on the streets of NYC by an illegal alien. Where is traditional America? Things you see today you would never see 70 years ago when America was over 90 percent white. There is an ethnic component to the violence and disorder, and at some point things will get so bad for traditional Americans that this fact can't be ignored any longer.

The more diverse a community becomes the less peace there is. It's not a sin to prefer the company of people who look, act and have the same values as you. In fact, it's natural and normal to seek it out. Diversity is unnatural and not normal, and it's bad for everyone. It's engineered and forced upon America by people who hate us, and we're told were bad people if we notice how bad it is.

New York City in 1957 or 1958 as seen in the movie North by North West.

New York City today shows a woman, most likely an illegal alien, cooking what is probably guinea pigs on a portable rotisserie cooker.

Off Topic Posts / Changing Crime Statistics
« Last post by smallengineshop on March 16, 2024, 06:01:08 PM »
The establishment narrative and lie that people of color are oppressed by traditional Americans is refuted by real life crime statistics, so the left simply changes the data. Criminals of color are recorded as White. It reminds of the mail in ballot scam used to make Joe Biden the most popular president in the history of the United States.

This isn't the first time I've heard about this, but this X post is the latest story I've seen.

Off Topic Posts / Crazy
« Last post by smallengineshop on March 15, 2024, 04:00:55 PM »
Two guys on a New York City subway car start arguing, and the conflict quickly escalates into a fist fight, then a stabbing, then a shooting. Other subway passengers react to this situation by huddling together at one end of a subway car when they realize bullets could be flying towards them. Some passengers cry out loud for NYPD to quickly show up and save them. But NYPD is short staffed and short of money since the crazy "Defund the Police" campaign. Funny how everyone supports NYPD when your life in danger. I don't think anyone was hurt other than the two guys fighting.

Passengers can look forward to roasted guinea pig or a NYC rat, not sure which  ;D , thanks to cultural enrichment in New York City from illegal immigration. See last video.

That's a big claim from Excelsior Supply Co, and maybe it was true in 1909. Here's a 1909 Excelsior magazine advertisement boasting about the power, reliability and craftsmanship of their single cylinder motorcycle engine. I wonder what they mean by "auto cycle?"

Click image to enlarge:
Off Topic Posts / Bad people are coming here
« Last post by smallengineshop on March 13, 2024, 06:06:36 PM »
A Venezuelan gang member wanted in her native country for brutal murders, walks across America's open Southern border and was living here. If this person can get into America so easily, who else do think is living among us? Prepare for the worst.

See post: A World on the Brink of Disaster?

Off Topic Posts / Can you hear the crickets chirping?
« Last post by smallengineshop on March 13, 2024, 05:48:32 PM »
A mass shooting occurred at a bus stop in Philadelphia, on March 6, 2024. Eight children were injured. The perps in this attack are black, so mainstream media is silent. How important the black community must be to the ruling class in America for them to have the entire mainstream media hide black crime.

People of color in America are used as a tool for the ruling class to leverage attacks against traditional America. People of color must always be seen as the victim of white oppression. That's why the George Floyd story, a complete lie, but repeated adnosium, is known on the other side of the World, but a person in the same city where this attack occurred won't remember the name of anyone involved. In less than a year this attack will be completely forgotten.

Off Topic Posts / Is Haiti Great, or is it a Sh*thole? You Decide
« Last post by smallengineshop on March 11, 2024, 07:03:17 PM »
Back when Donald Trump was president he asked the question "why is America accepting so many immigrants from sh*thole counties like Haiti?" Mainstream media and celebrities were aghast by his comment, and Trump was attacked repeatedly for it. Celebrities were seen wearing t-shirts that said "Haiti is Great Already," playing off the Trump slogan "Make America Great Again."

Fast forward to today and Haiti is in turmoil. Haitian gangs are at war with the establishment. The prime minister has left the country and embassy's are being evacuated because of the violence. The leader of the gangs, Jimmy "Barbecue" Cherizier, seems to be in control of Haiti now. Dead Haitians litter the streets, and their bodies are decomposing because nobody is there to dispose of them. Thousands of prisoners in Haitian prisons were released and are now members of these gangs. Gang members were seen eating the flesh of dead bodies, so this country is now practicing cannibalism.

Ya, I think "sh&thole" was an accurate description for Haiti. Don't you think so?

These t-shirts were the result of a woke, leftist outcry by celebrities in response to Donald Trumps "sh*thole' comment. Woke ideology should never be allowed to influence government policy in any way, shape or form. But our government and institutions are saturated with it, and America is in serious trouble because of it.

Is this level of violence coming to America? Violence is already here. The idea that every culture and ethnicity is the equal and can happily blend together will destroy America in the same way violence and diversity of values is destroying Haiti now. Diversity doesn't produce peace and prosperity.

A Conan O'Brian tweet inspired by Donald Trumps "sh*thole" comment.

Off Topic Posts / Is this news?
« Last post by smallengineshop on March 10, 2024, 07:24:06 PM »
Brooke Shields reveals she was sexualized by Hollywood. She must think this is news, but everyone should already know she was sexualized. In 1977, Brooke Shields starred in Pretty Baby, a movie about a 12 year girl played by Brooke Shields, growing up in a brothel with a prostitute mother. The movie is based on a true story about a young girl who was sexually exploited by being forced into prostitution.

Hollywood is too empty of morality. They exploit children, they have black books of people who will, and people who wont, and that includes children, ie Cory Feldman and Cory Haims. Hollywood executives rewards actors who are willing to do sexual favors, and I'm sure Hollywood has been a horrible experience for many many people who remain silent.

The first time the girls head hit the ground she went unconscious. Suddenly her life was in the hands of her attacker where she found no mercy. The attacker picked up the unconscious girl and slammed her head into the ground repeatedly. The girl is now in intensive care because of her injuries.

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