Author Topic: Ron Paul is a good person  (Read 147 times)


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Ron Paul is a good person
« on: April 27, 2024, 06:12:35 PM »
I remember the first time I heard Ron Paul speak I thought "what a breath of fresh air." Finally a politician telling the truth. I remember watching him on a news show with a few other people. At one point in the show this question came up "why did terrorists attack the World Trade Center on 9/11?" and Ron Paul answered the question by simply quoting from an official government study. I believe his answer was "they attacked America because we're meddling in the Middle East." He was immediately called an antisemite. The official propaganda answer you heard from most politicians and media back than was "they hate freedom." You would always hear that from George Bush, and if you dared to tell the truth you were attacked.

On another news program Ron Paul was talking to an economist. The question about Iran having nukes came up, and Ron Paul said "Iran doesn't have nukes and won't have nukes anytime in the near future." Ron Paul, once again, for simply quoting from an official government study was called an antisemite by the economist. The official propaganda at the time was Iran was weeks or months away from a nuclear bomb, and if you deviated from that narrative you were attacked. At the time, mainstream media and the ruling class was pushing hard for war with Iran, which they still are, but the nuke propaganda has kind of diminished.

Ron Paul was the one good person in government who always tried to answer questions truthfully. He was crushed by the establishment because of it. This X post showing Ben Shapiro attacking Ron Paul is an example of how he was treated. Because Ron Paul was against American wars in the Middle East, and was a real fiscal conservative, he was attacked and accused of being antisemitic.

The following video was typical of propaganda told about Iran and nuclear weapons. Here is Netanyahu, 11 years ago warning the World Iran would have nuclear weapons by next summer. This was a lie! Similar to the lie we were told about Iraq having chemical weapons to justify America invading Iraq. Ron Paul was right about everything! Ron Paul told the truth about Iran and nuclear weapons and he was attacked for it. 
« Last Edit: April 27, 2024, 11:50:24 PM by adminjoe »
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